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Recovery 11 months and counting

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Recovery 11 months and counting Empty Recovery 11 months and counting

Post  Admin Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:49 am

Okay, So all the hardware is off of the outside of my foot, Now it's off to therapy 3 times a week. At first the focus was to get a larger range of motion for my foot. After a few weeks they saw that wasn't going to happen so we worked on balance and strength. After almost 3 months there was some improvement in my balance but my leg was still very weak due to not bearing weight for all that time. So I started going to the therapy place as if it was a gym 2 to 3 times a week. The problem I was having was things were not getting easier. When I was going to the gym before all this happened if I did a new exercise after a couple of weeks it got easier this didn't seem to happen here.

So after woking out on my own for 2 weeks I felt a pain in my right foot. It felt very familiar so it ws back to the doctor an xray showed the start of charcot in the joint in front of the one that was fused. So it was back into the cam walker. I had to get a new one since the old one was worn out. So 3 months in the cam walker seems to have worked this time. There is no pain in the right foot for the las monthso next week I go see the doctor and hopefully I can continue trying to get back into some kind of shape as my leg muscles are really weak at this point. I did have some pain in the left foot but luckily that turned out tobe muscle or nerve pain.

So Hopefully next week aill know more of the final outcome of all of this. What I can and can't do from now on and things like that. Will update this when I know.

Posts : 25
Join date : 2009-07-12

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